Screenshot of Terrell Jones in Vital Strategies’ “Harm Reduction Saves Lives” advertising campaign Despite significant strides in drug policy in recent decades, and changing attitudes about some substances, stigmatization of people who use drugs remains a pervasive...
Strategic Communications
Language is Power
I recently had the honor of working for Translators without Borders (TWB), an organization whose mission is to ensure people are included in communications about the issues that impact their lives, no matter what language they speak.
Tony Newman MVP
I have to admit that I’ve never stayed in a job for more than four consecutive years. These days, that probably doesn’t make me so unusual. Most of us have vastly different resumes than the generation before us. My mother worked for over twenty years for the same...
Can You Share Your Story Without Feeling Exposed?
It’s been a little more than two weeks since I got back from India, and I’ve found it difficult to answer the “How was India?” question. The trip was amazing and probably life changing (although maybe too soon to say). It was as emotionally taxing as it was...