Sharda Sekaran

Can You Share Your Story Without Feeling Exposed?

Can You Share Your Story Without Feeling Exposed?

It’s been a little more than two weeks since I got back from India, and I’ve found it difficult to answer the “How was India?” question. The trip was amazing and probably life changing (although maybe too soon to say). It was as emotionally taxing as it was...

Powerful Ancestors

Powerful Ancestors

  A few months ago, I had the incredible good fortune to visit the Smithsonian Museum of African American History in Washington, DC. The place is an awe-inspiring testament to the deep wounds, trauma, resilience, power, culture, magic and beauty of the Black...

A Question of Faith

I have a memory from when I must have been around seven or eight years old. My mother and I lived in South Jamaica, Queens in an apartment that we rented upstairs from a very large family on the ground floor. I think we were sitting in the kitchen. I remember that it...

Wishing My Tongue Matched My Face

Wishing My Tongue Matched My Face

 There are no hard and fast rules for what I look like to people in terms of ethnicity. Often it seems to depend on context and who I am with. Although Indians in the US frequently recognize me, I remember an Indian-American girl I met once years ago who...

Say My Name, Say My Name

Say My Name, Say My Name

  Whenever I pick up the phone and the person asks for Sharada Chandrasekaran with flawless accuracy, I immediately know that this has got to be from an Indian call center making me some sort of offer. It gives me particular amusement when they follow up the...

Accidental Tourist

This may be a contradiction but I love to travel and I hate being a tourist. My best travel memories are sleeping in the living room of someone's (if not my own) extended family or sitting cross-legged on a mat around a cooking-fire. I prefer to be somewhere as an...

Malayalam Girl Power

Malayalam Girl Power

My mother has never offered me a whole lot of information about her relationship with my father. He was an international graduate student in chemistry at Michigan State University. She was an undergraduate student in urban planning.  It was the 70s. He had...

Blindian Skin

Two moments touched me in my identity feels at the airport in Goa: 1) I saw an ad for sunscreen with a very pale woman (at least ten shades lighter than nearly any locals I have encountered since I have been in Southern India) promising to let you enjoy the sun...

Universal Brown Girl

  I have what I refer to as the “universal brown girl” look. I have caramel brown skin, dark brown eyes and black curly hair. As far as global diversity goes, I may posses some of the most geographically non-specific physical traits possible.  If I keep my...