Leaping Into the Unknown

by | Feb 19, 2017

Friday was my last day as Managing Director of Communications at the Drug Policy Alliance. I’ve had a phenomenal experience with the organization, full of the most brilliant and dynamic people I have ever known. I’ve watched the work transform and evolve in so many ways. It’s been an honor, and I’m excited to see where it goes next. In these tumultuous times, it’s never been more vital to have a strong voice calling for an end to the drug war and the advancement of health, science and human rights in drug policy.

I worked at DPA earlier in my career (2000-2003), and then returned in my last role in 2013. It’s been a tremendous ride to work on this issue after a ten-year hiatus, during which the tide shifted dramatically and previously unimaginable gateways opened for change. I am very proud of the work I have done and feel grateful that I could make meaningful contributions to the cause.

When I first started at DPA, working on the Shadow Conventions with Tony Newman, Shayna Samuels and Benj Hewitt.

What’s next?

I’ll be off traveling to India (mostly in the South – Tamil Nadu, Goa, Kerala – but also Mumbai at the end) for several weeks. It’s my first time to my paternal homeland. I am ready to have my mind blown by the onslaught of all things mesmerizing and overwhelming. I know I’m in for some sort of profound transformation.

I will be blogging about the experience here. It will likely be pretty personal, as this journey is a very emotional endeavor for me. I had some apprehension about sharing so openly. I worried about the boundaries between personal and professional. However, part of my process in the next stage of my life is very much about holding myself in my fullest authenticity. I am hoping to unleash my humanity into the world with all of its complexity, creativity, humor and, where necessary, vulnerability.

All of this is very much out of my comfort zone but I am in the business of sharing stories and asserting the richness and importance of every life. I often coach and prepare people for sharing their own stories, often involving difficulty and pain. If I can encourage others to lead with the most intimate and powerful places in their history, then I should be able to do the same.

In April, after I am back from India and have processed the impact of the trip, I will begin a new chapter in my life, which will focus on writing and creative projects I have had floating about, as well as channeling my two decades of work in non-profit communications strategy and public relations into work as an independent consultant. I’ll be a free agent taking on what I hope are transformative and groundbreaking interventions to change the dialogue, move hearts and minds and make this very uncertain world a better place.

If you’ve ever thought, “Wow! That Sharda does amazing stuff! I would love to collaborate with her!” – now’s your chance.

Thanks for all the well-wishers, friends and mentors helping me along on this journey.

Much much love.